Sunday, February 22, 2009

We Gon Party Like its Ya Berfday!

Like most Americans,We here at HFABT love any and all excuses to party. This includes but is certainly not limited to boxing day, flag day or my favorite...thank a mailman day. (It is my understanding that a six pack of PBR can certainly aid any nice mailman in the misplacing of unwanted report cards.) Well today happens to be one of the most amazing party days we have witnessed in quite sometime. Not only is it National Tortilla Chip Day (Seriously.) but it also happens to be the birthday of not one.....but TWO michigan softball players: Senior Megan Gregory and Junior Dorian Shaw. Im not sure how all of you will choose to celebrate this glorious and monumental occasion, but you can be sure MY day will likely involve Journey being played at extremely high volumes in or around a dairy queen parking lot.
Happy birthday ladies!

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